Sunny Hills Civic Association
Boat Lake Swim Park
Sunny Hills, Florida 32428
Sunny Hills Civic Association, Inc.

SHCA Membership Meeting and Dinners are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the SHCA Building (3681 Gables Blvd) at 6:00pm.
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More information about Sunny Hills...
Sunny Hills
The Sunny Hills community was platted in 1971 and 1972 as a community for about 60,000 residents on 24,301 residential lots. Its land area is about 28 square miles (17,743 acres) and is almost 5% of the land area in Washington County. With 220 miles of roads, it has 55% of all the paved roads in the county. Currently there are 630 homes in the Community and about 1,400 people. In the master plan there are 3,829 acres of greenbelts and natural preserves, about 400 acres for commercial development, as well as provisions for churches, schools, and parks. Currently, the Sunny Hills Golf & Country Club operates an 18-hole highly acclaimed golf course.
The Sunny Hills Civic Association
The Sunny Hills Civic Association, Inc., was originally incorporated in 1974 to promote and sponsor the special and civic interests of the property owners and/or residents and is non-political and non-partisan in nature. The Civic Association is not a homeowners association. It operates through a volunteer board made up of four officers and three directors.
The Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU)
The MSBU was formed by County Ordinance 2001-4 on September 5, 2001, to provide funds for Special Benefits and services within the approximately 28 square mile Benefit Unit (Sunny Hills and Oak Hill Subdivisions). These funds are intended to supplement the services the county provides within these areas. The original survey of property owners indicated the assessment funds should be invested in expanded community fire and emergency service, street lights, road maintenance and right-of-general beautification on all roads and parks, and mowing the right-of-way areas.
SHCA Newsletter
The Association publishes a monthly newsletter entitled “The Sunny Hills Newsletter” that goes to some homes within Sunny Hills and to selected distribution points such as the Golf Course, Deltona office, Sunny Hills Library, D.R. Horton office, and presented digitally on the Nextdoor app. Local businesses can reach out to the SHCA President for information regarding placing an ad in the newsletter.
Latest Projects
Removed the broken sidewalk from the beach area, which will be replaced with ADA compliant Mobi Mats for the 2025 Boat Lake season, repaired and replaced picnic tables, had septic tanks inspected and pumped, repaired parking lot barriers, cleaned restrooms, had the parking lot striped and the helipad repainted, replaced the roof of the Civic Building, repaired a wall at the Civic Building, and completed other repairs and replacements to improve Boat Lake and the Sunny Hills Civic Association Building.